Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Residency Programs, Italy

 2011-Residency Programs in Northern Italy by Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio in Northern Italy

Study Subject:Basic survival safeguards (food, water, and housing), global health, climate and environment, urbanization, social and economic security.
Employer:Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center
Level:Scholars in all disciplines, creative artists, journalists, as well as policymakers and practitioners from the governmental and non-profit sectors
Scholarship Description:The Bellagio Residency program offers scholars, artists, thought leaders, policymakers and practitioners a serene setting conducive to focused, goal-oriented work, and the unparalleled opportunity to establish new connections with fellow residents, across a stimulating array of disciplines and geographies. The Bellagio Center community generates new knowledge to solve some of the most complex problems facing our world and creates art that inspires reflection, understanding, and imagination.

Residencies are open to scholars in all disciplines, creative artists, journalists, as well as policymakers and practitioners from the governmental and non-profit sectors. We bring together a broad, stimulating mix of disciplines and fields within the Bellagio Community. We also select a core set of residency projects that align with the Foundation’s five interconnected issue areas: basic survival safeguards (food, water, and housing), global health, climate and environment, urbanization, social and economic security.

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