ZOA-Michigan Region Israel Scholarship Program, Israel

 The Zionist organization of America-Michigan Region’s Israel Scholarship Program is now taking applications for the 2011-2012 school year.

Study Subject:Program taught at the Universities
Employer:The Zionist organization of America-Michigan Region’s
Level:undergraduate , graduate
Scholarship Description: The scholarship is aimed at students who are interested in pursuing serious study in Israel at an accredited college or study program such as: Hebrew University, Bar Ilan University, Midreshet Lindenbaum,Yeshivat Shaalvim, Shaalvim for Women, Nishmat Shana B’Aretz, Tachnit North America, Yeshivat Har Etzion, Young Judaea Year Program in Israel, and the Pardes program. ZOA-Michigan
region is proud to award $1,000 scholarships to outstanding students who express Zionist ideals and a dedication to Jewish values & identity.
Scholarships will be awarded based on:
· Merit
· Willingness to support ZOA’s mission of being on the forefront of the struggle for a safe and secure Israel, and
· Need.
Students are required to complete an application, an essay outlining their personal objectives for their time in Israel as well as what activities the student will pursue on their return from Israel to aid ZOA in accomplishing its objectives, and submit letters of recommendation from a Rabbi and Jewish Educator. Finalists will meet with the scholarship committee. Scholarships are presented in June.

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